
News / Informations

  • 30.09.2014 The number 1 in national press distribution

    MPK Luxembourg supplies press titles to around 350 sales outlets throughout the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

  • 30.09.2014 New impetus in the press business

    MPK Luxembourg is now part of 7Days Media Services AG, which is also taking over the press wholesale business in German and Italian-speaking Switzerland as well as the logistics brand "nilo Night Logistics".


Every day, we ensure that over 5,000 national and international print products reach the right place at the right time and in the right quantity.

With our international press expertise, we help our business partners to successfully realize their sales targets. Our comprehensive services include designing product ranges, order picking, distribution and analysing the successful implementation of promotional activities at points of sale.

We supply press products to retailers. In this way we act as a platform between publishers and readers, and focus all our attention on these two target groups. In doing so, we adhere to the rules and obligations defined in the press distribution system and always act in accordance with the principle of equality.

We ensure that every press outlet offers a customized and international product range, which is tailored to local customers.


We offer a range of over 80 daily and weekly newspapers and approx. 5,100 magazines with various publication frequencies from more than 150 publishing houses from currently 17 countries. Each year new publications are incorporated and the respective scheduling and returns are guaranteed for publishers by MPK Luxembourg within the scope of the law.


With the help of the sophisticated press software PVG+ and the retail structure analysis EHASTRA, we manage and control an individually tailored selection of press products from a huge range of newspapers and magazines for individual sales outlets on a daily basis. This process takes into account the particular features of individual sales outlets, seasonal products, publication dates and sales.

MPK Luxembourg GmbH                               Luxembourg Branch                                 

P.O. Box 1805
L-1018 Luxembourg

Tel. +352 27 17 67 1
Fax +352 27 17 67 444